Organico 1 Wall Hanging Rustic by Materiko | Treniq
Organico 1 Wall Hanging Sculptures Wall Hangings Materiko Organico 1 Wall Hanging by Materiko 14627 available for order new

Organico 1 Wall Hanging

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The shapes are irregular and natural. Handmade modern wall sculpture with organic metal processing on a natural wood basis.

  • 400 x 40 x 600 ( W x D x H ) mm
  • Natural chestnut, brass, enamels, Metal, Wood and Others
  • Rustic
  • Italy
  • 4 weeks
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The idea for this table originated from the search for a marriage between functionality - daily use and aesthetics. Not only as a decorative element, a design piece but a real and practical framework, providing a daily note of contemplation, a still image. In this sense the plasticity provided by the material has been used, giving rise to a sort of " bassorilievo", which connects a figurative chromatic dialogue and to a use of pure matter"subservient to aesthetics". The hidden heredity of materico "Burri". This substance gives rise to shape and color. So finding its fulfillment in the exaltation of matter, be it sand, plaster or metal elements linked in the aesthetic accuracy created by a previous design study. With the use of resins, the bassorilievo and its three-dimensionality, create an artistic stage on which the resins bringing brightness and transparency to what is at the same time a usable surface. Poor and precious metals fuse to create exclusive interior decorating. Combining art and sign. Creativity, design, and organization all feminine declinations used for the creation of ideas and projects in which women are unpredictable protagonists. The Art, and consequently the uniqueness of the representations, is the essential element of our production. Defying the well-established concept of antagonism between art and function, it creates a union between contemplation and life. The common gesture is permeated with aesthetic value coadjuvant to everyday living.

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  • Organico 1 Wall Hanging
  • Materiko
  • €539
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