Pinar Rug Contemporary by Awanay | Treniq
Pinar Rug Rugs Awanay Pinar Rug by Awanay 10827 available for order new

Pinar Rug

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This textile recreates an original antique design typical of the dry forest and its part of a project aimed to rescue the ancient techniques that are disappearing. It was hand-woven using pure handspun sheep wool. The whole process, since the animal is sheared, takes place within the same family o community. In this collection, we want to rescue the variety of colours that can be obtained with the flowers and plants that surround us.This throw has been hand-woven in looms by communities from La Puna and La Quebrada, in northern Argentina. Hand-woven in looms and pure handspun sheep wool. Medium thread and no dyes. We make custom sizes and various colours are available.

  • PINAR-RUG-AWA-1001
  • 1600 x 2100 ( W x H ) mm
  • Sheep Wool and Textile
  • Contemporary
  • Argentina
  • 8 weeks
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AWANAY was born from a search. We wanted to find a project that would contribute to a better world. Give our work a deeper meaning. A work that could transcend, could leave a step mark. As it usually happens, the answer was right in front of us: the traditional textiles handmade by native communities from South America. We had always liked them, but it all started when we discovered the ancient designs and we found out that they were disappearing. This made us want to know more about the history and current situation of native communities.

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  • Pinar Rug
  • Awanay
  • €1,736
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